Mount Saramati Peak Trek in Nagaland – A detailed 7 day Trek Guide

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Did you know Mount Saramati is the highest peak in the state of Nagaland in Northeast India? I surely didn’t know before I went for the Mount Saramati Trek in 2016.

About Mount Saramati

Mount Saramati Peak trek was my first high-altitude trek. According to the Kiphire District website, the altitude of Mount Saramati is 3,826m (12,553 ft). However, a few articles have also cited the height to be 3841m (12602 ft).

Mt. Saramati marks the border of India and Myanmar. You will see a white pillar written “India” in English in Hindi, and “Myanmar” in Burmese and English languages.

You can witness the river Chindwin from the Peak. Unfortunately, the clouds covered the hills and therefore, we couldn’t see them.

This trek was a collaborative initiative of the tourism department of Nagaland, the Global Adventure Association (GAA) of Assam & Nagaland Association for Adventure Mountaineering & Education (NAAME). You can read about it in this article by Morung Express News Portal.

Mount Saramati Peak Trek - Detailed trek guide Guide by The Gypsy Chirng
The view and the feeling above the clouds at Mt. Saramati Peak.

In this article, I have shared a detailed 7-day Mount Saramati Peak trek guide & my personal experience of the trek – how it changed me. It introduced me to the world of adventure and mountaineering.

My first write-up on my blog was on Mount Saramati. The Mount Saramati Trekking experience turned out to be the pioneer of my travel blogging and mountaineering journey.

Mount Saramati Trek

You can find the guide for the Mount Saramati Trek towards the end of the article. (FAQ Section). I have also written my experience and trek guide to the second highest peak of Nagaland – Mount Japfu.

Mount Saramati Peak Trek Expedition

Every time the train halted at the Dimapur Railway Station during my journeys, my soul would yearn for the distant hills that stood guard at the periphery of Dimapur, the largest city of Nagaland in India.

Never did I ever imagine that I would eventually be climbing the highest peak of Nagaland, the mighty Mount Saramati. Located at the India-Myanmar border, Mt. Saramati has an altitude of 3,841 m (12,602 ft).

Day 1- Guwahati to Kigwema – An Introduction.

To represent Assam and be the first team from the state to attempt to summit the Saramati peak enthralled me. With the team of the Global Adventure Association, the expedition began. Fun and laughter involved us in the five-hour train journey from Guwahati to Dimapur.

Leaving the only plains tract of hilly Nagaland – Dimapur, we headed to its capital city Kohima on the 4th of April, 2016. We reached our destination somewhere on the outskirts of Kohima surrounded by high hills and dense vegetation.

Us posing with smiling faces at Kohima unaware of the hard trek ahead.

Day 2 – Kigwema to Pungro – the Revelation

The Romanticism of the Morning Sun at Kigwema

The romanticism of the dawn, the clouds against the hills, the sun and its dispersion effect playing with the beauty of clouds, the sound of the roughness of water, the cheerful birdies flying up from their nest for the day filled that Kohima’s morning walk full of happiness. A perfect start to our Mt Saramati trekking expedition.

A morning full of the love of clouds and colours.
The view nearby our homestay (Dawn) at Kigwema.
The romanticism of clouds on that Monday morning.

The Day long Journey with stops in Jessami & Meluri Town

A 12-hour journey from Kohima to Pungro (Kiphire District), through the heart of the hills of Nagaland introduced us to its lush green terrace fields, jhum patches, maize cultivation and streams flowing beside those fields.

Comparing the shapes of the clouds to fish and gorillas; jhum patches to the maps of countries like Australia and India. Stopping at check gates, visiting Jessami (Ukhrul Dist of Manipur), peeling sugarcane with the incisors and canines, ‘pomegranate conversations’ and its mention in the Assamese Bihu folk songs are some of the moments that made the journey worth it. The lunch at Meluri town (Nagaland) with pork and boiled mustard greens was delicious.

The Joy of visiting Manipur on the way.

We reached G.A Guest House, Pungro around 7 in the evening. Experiencing the day right from dawn to sunset is something I have never done before. It was the icing on the cake when the jovial Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) of Pungro Mr Chonpenthung Ezung visited us, briefing us about the village Thanamir and his trekking experience to Saramati Peak. The session was filled with deep inputs about trekking, laughter, and best wishes.

Gazing at the canvassed sky of twinkling stars and the lights of the villages shining brightly down the hills gave a thrill of being in space. The sensation of the chilling blow of wind, the galaxy of stars, a glimpse of lightning above the faraway hills, are the moments I shall treasure of that Pungro evening.

Day 3 – Pungro to Thanamir Village – The Adventure

That Pungro Morning of Clouds

“Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it.”

~Richard Whately

It was 5 in the morning, I stood in the yard of Pungro Rest House and glanced over the fence. Beneath was the mesmerizing view of the blanket of clouds and the villages that could be seen through it.

Morning views like these is a blessing.
Distant Village from Pungro View Point
My Interview with Global Adventure Association at Pungro during the trek to Mt. Saramati peak.
The distant church and the hight hills.

Amongst the clouds at the top of a distant hill was a church commanding its presence. Beside them were hills signifying their supremacy over each other.

The towering hills of Pungro

The Thanamir Village Experience

The five-hour journey from Pungro to Thanamir provided some exquisite landscapes. The hills here, upright and somewhat cylindrical resembled those at the beaches in Krabi, Thailand.

Such was the excitement that with the sight of every gigantic hill, I would assume it to be Mt. Saramati Peak.

The excitement to reach Thanamir. We stopped here as the road was damaged due to a landslide.
About Thanamir

Thanamir is the base village of Mount Saramati Peak. Known as the ‘apple village’, it falls under the Khongsa Tehsil of Kiphire District in Nagaland. It is inhabited by the Yimchunger Naga ethnic group.

The village headman belonging to the Yimchungru Ethnic Group

Back in the 1980s, the jawans of the Assam Rifles gifted four apples to the then-village head. He planted them in his backyard and later distributed grafts to the villagers. Apples are grown here on a large scale now. To empower the apple farmers, an annual Apple Festival was organized by the government. Pears are also grown in Thanamir.

Apple Cultivation at Pungro.

We reached early at the village and settled down at the Thanamir Guest House.

Yes, that’s me always posing weirdly haha! At Thanamir Village
Our jugaad of playing cricket was fun.
A cultural tour of Thanamir Village

The fun and excitement of the village kids roared as we toured their village. They would follow us jumping and dancing along the way.

Their Excitement & Our Joy – Full-on happiness
The innocent kids at Thanamir.
Watch this video in which the village headman played the log drum.

The village headman played the huge log drum which functioned as an alarm during emergencies or wars. Their unique culture and apple cultivation make the trek to Saramati Peak even more special.

Skulls of birds and Mithun that signified their ancient practice of hunting.
Mithun Skulls
Sheep Rearing practices at Thanamir Village
Mt. Saramati Trekking Expedition team from Assam in front of a Morung.

Day 5 – The Mount Saramati Peak Trek begins

That silent morning as I opened my eyes and unravelled my sheets, a husky voice uttering tea ruled the gloomy wooden room. Bed tea with the window view of the sun-kissed hills of Thanamir was a perfect combination.

The sun kissed Thanamir

As the clock hit 6:30 a.m., we headed towards the forest with two villagers as guides. The daunting trek to the base camp of Saramati peak involved continuous ascending and descent of hills.

Mt. Saramati trek
The Start of the Mt. Saramati trek
The continuous climbing up and down – Challenging!

To maintain that balance of training the mind to repeat the entire phenomenon was indeed challenging. However, the clouds that flew alongside fueled us to move forth.

My face says it all, Haha!
Thanamir to Base Camp

A rock wall that is approximately 50 feet steep was the biggest challenge of the Mt. Saramati trek.

50 ft (approx) rock wall.

To have climbed that with no ropes or climbing gear boosted our self-confidence. The self-awareness of grasping the right grips of the rock holds was the key.

Flora of Saramati Mountain range

Marching through the narrow dark uneven path, our team of 16 were divided into two groups. The ones ahead carried the food materials and the latter followed.

Mt. Saramati Trek. Nagaland
Heading Uphill from Thanamir. Our groups split into two from this point.

Though I was with the first group, my legs couldn’t match their speed. Exhausted for having walked more than 7 hours, I bid them goodbye. 

Us with our local guides.
Mr. Limthure official photographer for the Mount Saramati Expedition

In a forest, away from everyone, hiking the rest of the trail solo was interesting. As I embarked on my solitary trek, I embraced the warmth of mother nature by kissing the bark of a tree.

Amidst the forest near a top of a hill, every time I saw the glary sky through the spaces of the groves, an imaginary picturesque ‘base camp’ would come to my mind. Surprisingly that would prove to be just another hilltop.

Reaching an edge I took a nap for 10 minutes. As my eyes opened, two clouds approached each other and beside them was the majestic range of towering Patkai hills. Gazing upon them and enjoying the phenomena uninterrupted was soothing.

Coming back to reality, I found my bottles empty and no sweets to keep my mouth wet. Eating the purple-coloured berries from the dark-edged rock surfaces saved me from dry mouth and other illnesses.

Drinking the cold water of the stream after 10 hours of hiking was pure happiness. Uncertain whether I was following the right track, it was solely instinct that helped me reach the base camp. 

Day 5-Base Camp to Saramati Peak & the Unrelenting Night Trek

Defying the darkness, we ascended the giant hill beside the base camp for 2 hours to be finally blessed by the orange hues of the sun. The flora with strong roots worked as a trekking stick to support our steps on most of the edged slopes.

The slope I was referring to.
Climbing Skills!

Walking by the cliffs and slopes, a slight change of the body angle would have led to a broken body or even death – the thrill and risk of the Mount Saramati trek.

Sunrise greeted us at this point. We took a rest for while.

The next trail looked amazing but daunting too. We could see the peak distinctly as we headed above.

The trail seemed scary.
Can you spot the trail?
Spot the trekker in this photo.

The aroma of flowers welcomed us as we neared the Saramati peak. Summiting the peak at 9:30 a.m., the happiness of being the first team and the youngest lad from Assam to summit Mount Saramati Peak felt empowering.

Flowers near the Saramati peak. I am the one with the bag and hat.
Scenic. Credits to Limthure for capturing our beautiful moment.
The last part of the trail to the peak.
Tired But Happy Souls at the top of Mt Saramati Peak
This pillar at the Saramati peak marks the Indo-Myanmar Border.

The Saramati Peak bid us farewell with drizzle. We arrived at the base camp by 2 p.m., only to realize the scarcity of food. An unrelenting night trek awaited us.

Descending the Saramati peak.

Everyone hoped to descend that 50 feet rock before nightfall. Our feet ached; the soles felt as if they were being pricked by a needle. For the number of times I fell on those bumpy roads, folks named me “Gravity”.

At the Mount Saramati Base Camp.

I still cherish the moment when after having climbed the hill, I saw the glittering stars and the chain of hills it illuminated. It was my dream to view such night scenes.

The rain by midnight aggravated our situation. We slipped and slid along the muddy trail. Our minds were baffled when we couldn’t recognize the cut marks of the trees that guided the trail. After hiking for another 3 hours, we decided to camp in the forest.

I distinctly remember that particular moment of tying a rope into a branch of a tree with drenched clothes to fix the plastic sheet and thus shun the rain. I felt like I was in a dream and the moment I woke up, I would be in Thanamir Village. Sleeping around 3 a.m. on that narrow-edged path in a lateral position was, in fact, the weirdest sleep I have ever had.

Day 6 – Thanamir to Pungro – The Saramati Triumph

An hour of sleep rejuvenated us. It was 4 a.m., a misty morning and drizzle. The guide made us ascend and descend two hills the opposite way – a funny and infuriating episode. The jubilation of recognizing the bark I kissed cured my aching body.

Seeing the village from a hilltop gave us a sense of relief. We reached Thanamir by 7 in the morning, successfully completing the expedition. Fearing that my sole would bleed, I hesitated to take off my socks. The sole was as rugged as the hills of Mount Saramati. 

If you zoom in, you can see me in the backseat of the vehicle. Damn tired, haha!

What followed next is hard to recall as I slept the whole journey from Thanamir to Pungro. Though we had plans to celebrate our successful summit of Saramati Peak by dancing Bihu, soothing ourselves through sleep tended to be solace for everyone.

Feedback session with EAC Chonpenthung Ezung and delegates at Pungro on the completion of Mt. Saramati Trek in Nagaland
Feedback session with EAC Chonpenthung Ezung and delegates at Pungro.

Day 7 – Pungro to Guwahati: Homecoming.

The rain continued as it bid goodbye to us. We left Pungro early through the thick fog and heavy rain. It was another 16 hours to Dimapur.

Stopping by Kohima, the city revealed its enchanting beauty. That journey through the busy traffic at night, the driver deciding to take a shortcut to Dimapur while we enjoyed the mesmerizing views of the bustling Kohima’s night sky and finally reaching the Railway station by 11 p.m was amazing.

Surprisingly, we missed the train and had to board another at 3 a.m. The Mount Saramati trekking expedition concluded the next day in Guwahati with the Founder and General Secretary of GAA, Mr Bikram Boro greeting us with sweets and love.

It’s Guwahati and smiles everywhere.

Tips for Mount Saramati Peak Trek in Nagaland

1. Choose the right transportation.

From Dimapur to Kohima or Pungro

Dimapur is the only railway station in Nagaland. After reaching Dimapur, there are buses and shared cars that go to Kohima.

To go directly from Dimapur to Pungro, a hired sumo will cost you at least Rs 1300. There is also a helicopter service to Pungro from Dimapur every Wednesday which costs around Rs 1500-2000.

From Kohima to Pungro

From personal experience and friends who have done the trek, I have found that the transport costs take away most of the budget.

Instead of travelling to Kigwema in a reserved/hired car, travel by shared sumo vehicles to Kohima town and stay for the night.

Next day, start your journey early on Day 2 from Kohima. Halt your day and stay either at Pfutsero town (Phek district of Nagaland) or Kiphire town.

From Pungro to Thanamir

There was no public transportation from Thanamir to Pungro before. You had to hire a bike or car to take you to Thanamir.

In 2023, a shared sumo vehicle goes to Thanamir which costs Rs 250 per seat. But if the seats do not get filled, you have to pay Rs 3000 for the vehicle to drop you at Thanamir Village from Pungro.

2. Carry fewer items

Always carry light when you trek. You won’t believe it, I took my laptop to Thanamir Village. Here are a few must carry –

  1. Raincoat/Poncho – I took an umbrella and I regretted it a lot.
  2. Sunhat – I bought one at Pungro. But it fell down during the night trek.
  3. Odomos Mosquito Repellent: I used Odomos for the first time in my life during the trek.
  4. Good Hiking Shoes
  5. A good Rucksack: I had blisters using that blue backpack during the trek.
  6. A lightweight tiffin box & Spoon: I took a stainless dish plate which I don’t recommend.

Where to Stay During Mount Saramati Trek?

At Kohima

You can stay at Morung Homestay in Kohima town or at Dawn Homestay in Kigwema. We stayed at Dawn.

Our Team at Dawn Homestay before heading to Pungro

At Kiphire & Pungro

You can stay at Tsatongse Anar Memorial Guest House and GA Rest House in Kiphire town. At Pungro you can stay at GA Rest House. GA rest houses are government accommodations. You can find the contact number of these accommodations on the Kiphire District Website.

GA Rest House in Pungro Kiphire Accomodation - The Gypsy Chiring
The GA Rest House at Pungro where we stayed.

At Thanamir

You will be staying at the Thanamir Guest House in Thanamir Village.

Thanamir guest house in the morning (at dawn)

During the Mount Saramati Trek

There was a wooden base camp during our trek in 2016. This wooden hut is now used as a Kitchen.

Mount Saramati Peak Base Camp in 2016
Mount Saramati Stay in New base Camp Saramati Trek Nagaland
The New Saramati Base Camp in 2023. Photo by Sanaaya Kurup

FAQ on Mount Saramati Peak Trek (Answered)

Where is Mount Saramati Located?

Mt. Saramati is located near Thanamir Village of the Pungro sub-division in the Kiphire district of Nagaland.

How do you get to Mt Saramati?

To get to Mt Saramati, you have to reach Thanamir Village in the Kiphire district of Nagaland. The Saramati Peak trek starts from Thanamir Village.

In which mountain range is Mt Saramati located?

Mt Saramati is located in the Purvanchal range, a sub-mountain range of the Himalayas in North East India.

Which is the highest peak of Nagaland in Northeast India?

Mt. Saramati is the highest peak of Nagaland in Northeast India.

How to reach Mount Saramati?

To reach Mount Saramati in Nagaland, Dimapur has the nearest regional airport & railway stations. From Dimapur, shared taxis and hire cars are available till Kohima. From Kohima, there’s a 12-hour journey to Pungro. From Pungro, you can reach Thanamir Village from where the trek starts.

What is the best time to visit Mount Saramati?

The best time to visit Mount Saramati is from September to April. We went in September 2016 and saw flowers. Mount Saramati receives snow in the winter months – December to March.

Is Saramati the highest peak of Naga Hills?

Yes, Saramati is the highest peak of Naga Hills. The second highest at present is Mount Japfu.

Does Mount Saramati Peak Nagaland receive snow?

Yes, Mount Saramati Peak Nagaland receives snow during winter.

What are the flora and fauna of Saramati Mountain Range?

We saw varied species of mushrooms, flowers and medicinal trees in the Saramati Mountain Range. A clouded leopard was also spotted for the first time around 3700m of the peak in the winter months of 2021.

What is Mount Saramati also known as?

Mount Saramati is known as the “Crown of Nagaland”. It is the pride of the Naga ethnic groups.

How much does the Mount Saramati Trek Cost?

The Mount Saramati Trek costs around Rs 15,000 to 20,000. This includes all the guide fees, entry fees, basecamp fees, accommodation and meals.

Does Mount Saramati receive snowfall?

Mount Saramati receives snowfall every year. You can read this article by East Mojo.

Photo by Sanaya Kurup of snow near Saramati Peak in April 2023.


If you have been to Nagaland, I bet you have heard of the Dzukou Valley trek and Mount Japfu Trek.

Plan for the Mount Saramati trek during your next visit to Nagaland. Visit the remotest corner of the state at the India-Myanmar border. Meet local Naga ethnic groups, eat apples, and be mesmerized by the Naga Hills.

The camping stories and the memories of climbing and descending that steep rock wall at night will always be precious to me.

I made a lot of mistakes during the Mount Saramati Peak trek. Make sure you follow & note the above tips while planning your Mt Saramati trek.

To perceive the strength within, we ought to put ourselves in circumstances that test our limits. The Mount Saramati trek transformed me into a more vibrant human being. Experiences empower the soul.

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Disclosure: The article contains affiliate links to Amazon. Read our disclosure policy.

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Photo of author
Awarded by Meghalaya Tourism, Joydeep Phukan is a travel writer & a certified mountaineer based in Assam of Northeast India. He is on his mission to travel offbeat India and share his stories and tips about culture, travel & adventure with you through The Gypsy Chiring Blog.

10 thoughts on “Mount Saramati Peak Trek in Nagaland – A detailed 7 day Trek Guide”

    • Hi Hamid,

      I am glad that you are interested in doing the Saramati Trek. . Can you send me the query via mail –

  1. We would love to see you again and your contributing towards or exploring unexplored region is indeed treasure and looking forward even in the days to come

    • Hi Topanthang, Thank you. Nagaland is like my second home. I am in love with the culture, landscapes and people of Nagaland. I am looking forward to exploring Mt. Saramati during winter someday.

        • I guess it is snowing at the peak now. Can’t visit this year. Will definitely go someday during Winter. My friends – Metevizo, Kevilebo, Apen and all did the Saramati Trek recently.

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  3. Pingback: Dzükou Valley Trek: Your Ultimate Guide To India's Famous Hike
  4. I would like to have your contact that I can have a chat regarding saramati trek..
    Expect a positive response from you at the earliest.

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